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The Kanten Family Bible


Kanten Bible - Marriages

Agteskaber (Marriages)

Year 1825 -  Was I, Iver Halvorsen born in Gran Presdtegjeld parish Hadeland, Norway on the 15th of February.

Year 1826 -
Was my wife, Anne Gulbrandsdater born in the same parish on the 18th of November

Year 1848 -
We were married in Grans Hoved Church by Pastor Heyerdahl on the 11th of February

Year 1864 -
On the 4th of July we left by emigrant ship, Norden, for America. After twelve weeks and three days travel we came to my  brother-in-law, John G. Thingelstad in Fillmore County Minnesota.

Year 1868 -
We moved to Chippewa County, Minnesota where we've made our home since.




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Kanten Bible - Births


Year - 1848 the 19th of April was oldest son, Hans, born.

April 21, 1850 Gulbrand was born.
February 21st 1853 son Kristian was born.
April 17, 1855, son Helger was born.
April 6th 1858, son Mikkel was born.
October 17th 1860, son Anders was born.
September 3, 1853, son Iver was born.
October 25, 1865 our first daughter, Karen Martia, was born.
December 26, 1867 daughter Ingeborg was born.
March 9, 1870, son Peder was born.
March 23, 1872, daughter Anne was born




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Kanten Bible - Birth Page (Iver's notes)


(Page used for family notes)

In 1908 our family consisted of 9 children, 60 grandchildren

 - some deaths - and 19 great grandchildren.

On February 11, 1908 we celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary

 - me and my wife alone.

On November 24, 1908 my wife died at home after a long illness.

Iver H. Kanten



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Kanten Bible - Deaths


Our son Iver died in Drammen Norway on the 30th of June 1864

due to an accident after we were on board the ship.

Our daughter Ingeborg died on the 29th of March 1893.

 Her daughter, Ida Bertine, died on the 30th of April 1892.


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