Alm Family Website


Hosted by CafePress.Com


T-shirts - Mugs - Caps - More   -   Treat yourself   -   Give a gift  -   Alm branded stuff!!

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to visit the Alm Website's 

On-Line Store!

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How the Store Works provides an inventory of products to choose from and sets a base price for each one.  The shopkeeper provides graphics, selects items, indicates the graphics to be used on each, and may add a mark-up to the base price stipulated by CafePress.  Cafepress accepts the orders, draws the article from their inventory and adds the graphics, processes the payments and handles shipping.  There was no cost involved in setting up this store -- just the time spent developing the graphics and selecting and "decorating" the merchandise!


    This store is provided as a fun shopping experience for family members, not a new way for me to make money!!  If you have a picture/graphic you'd like to see on an article, let me know and I can try to make it happen for you (I love doing this stuff!). If you have any comments about your shopping experience, just e-mail!!

Design and Sell Merchandise Online for Free

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